.::.It'S aLl AbOuT mE.::.

BaSiC iNfO

WhAt'S nEw

MaI pIx

Uk HoLiDaY pIx

My PoEtRy 1

My PoEtRy 2

My PoEtRy 3

My PoEtRy 4

KoOl QuOtEs

My FaVe StArS


.KiA oRa.

Hi everyone. My name is Tami, I'm 19 and from New Zealand. I thought it would be a kool Idea to start a website up, so it's gonna be about me and all the things I love.
So sit back and enjoy my site and be sure to email me or comment in my guestbook. I'd love to hear from people.
*WhAt'S nEw?*

Site Started. 06/04/03.

29/07/03 ~ I have added new pictures from my Holiday over in England.
30/07/03 ~ Updated the My Fave Stars Page - Check it out!
31/07/03 ~ I have added a new poem to the 3rd Poetry Page - Check it out!
12/08/03 ~ I have added a new page of Poetry so Check out the 4th Page!
26/08/03 ~ New Pix of my Trip to the UK added on "My UK Holiday Pix page"

Me and Sarah before the School Prom - 2002

~Ur Thoughts~

Check It Out!

My Username ArohaAngel

To read my Online Journal check out the Picture Link Above

FrIeNdS 4eVa
.::.Me & Fono, Prom 2002.::.
EmAiL mE